Hello everybodyz.Welcome bak.1 week bo see Itchy got miss Itchy bo?hahaha
Yeah Yeah at last my exam is over........aiks not yet over actually.1 more paper to go...next week.At least my curfew is over la.haha.Nobody can scold me anymore.haha.Can't believe it that i berjaya tahan my Itchyness for 1 week.(Eh clap abit la,bo support itchy 1)
As stated above,todayz post will be on my cous Bday.Her birthday was last Saturday la,but because of my stupids examz,after 1 week only get to post about it.Anywayz this cous of mine very special 1 lor .One birthday increase 10 years old 1.(See the picture below).One day before her bday she was this cute little girl on the left.Then when the clock struck 12...ta daaa..she turned into a princess.(Forgive me for crapping,1 week bo crap liau)
(found this young cute pic of hers on my aunts com)
I was suppose to help my cous start fire for the bbq party.The problem is i dunno how to start fire leh,i'm not a Scout ok.So after hours of trying and some help from my auntie and my cous friends.The charcoal finally started to burn.And soon it became..................

(Bila kecil jadi kawan,bila besar jadi lawan)
*itchy fighting fire*
Lets see watz in the menu for the party.Chow Huai Ta chicken wingz,Beef satay,fried mushroom,BBQ pineapple and much much more.The most important factor of delicious food is................the chef.haha.See la i berusaha so hard till my whole shirt also wet dee.:P

(Anybody wan to hire me as their chef?)
When my cous send me the pics she took,i realise she tak adak satu pun group pic with her friends.B'day girl where can dun have picture with all her friendzz during her party 1??So her baik hati punya cous help her to group all her friendzz into 1 pic with her in the centre la.U see i so good :P
(Her friends all kawaii bo?Ah boo u wan their numberz?)
The only bad thing that can happen to u on ur Birthday is.........................kena bully by ur friends after blowing the candle.haha.But this girl over here looks so happy after kena bully wor.See the 4th pic.Smilling so happily.(means can bully u more right cous?)

Thatzz the end.The morale of todayz story is dun get angry when ppl(Itchy) bully you.Must be happy like my cous and say thank you.:P
By the way,todayz is Ah Boo
bz bday,so let us together shout and wish him