4 Dayz before exam(Last Sunday),Itchy was busy studying playing pool.
Why??Because,chee booz bday mar.
(Got alasan to not study wakaka)
Why??Because,chee booz bday mar.
(Got alasan to not study wakaka)
My Poser Ex roomate (Chee kang Ni Hen Chou Shuai)
Bday Boy with his matrics card.(Don't look like him rite?)
SH CHian with a drawing of him by the Bday boy
Bread cutting ceremony.(bdayboy allergic to cakes ,so ganti with bread)
Free big cup of Teh Ais for the bday boy!!
Biggest cup of tea of course must drink with the longest straw la
Ppl there.All ex-bestarian(4th college!!YeaZAa!!)
Man in BLACK!!Opps not only man :P
One little two little three little GAYZ
Fat Ugly Itchy!!
P.S. Somebody Pls revive Itchy after the examz.Going to be murdered in the exam hall.Kayy time to go bak to my books.*crawling off my blog*